My beloved,
Oh, how I loved thee. You inspired me on a daily basis. Just this past week I made something worthy of you and now I cannot post it. Please come back to us. We all miss you!
(Does anyone have any info on this? I am hoping it is just a Friday the 13th joke but it's not funny)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I've been tagged! First Time EVER!!!!
Ok, so I am pretty excited! April from Abby Sweets tagged me for a meme.
The rules: Each participant answers questions about himself. At the end of the post the participant tags 5 people. Their names are posted letting them know they’ve been tagged. They then have to read the participant’s blog. The tagged let’s the tagger know when he’s posted his answers.
Ok, now for the questions -
What was I doing ten years ago?
Well, I was 11. So, I was being homeschooled, taking ballet classes, dancing in the Nutcracker, and annoying my 2 brothers.
What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:
Ummmm work!
1. After work I am going for a photo shoot with my mom for our new wedding design business.
2. eat dinner
3. watch So you Think you can Dance
4. go to bed.
That's only 4. Well, i need to drop some books off at the Library. There's five!
Snacks I enjoy:
Uh oh, ummmm anything that is bad for me.
1. Tender White Popcorn
2. Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips
3. Starbucks Iced Triple Grande soy extra caramel, caramel macchiatto.
4. McDonalds Hot Fudge Sundae
5. Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
Things I would do if I were a billionaire: (mostly all selfish!)
1. Buy a house with a secret room and a ginormous closet (in NYC)
2. Pay for my friends and I to travel Europe
3. Start a bakery
4. Buy a large house for my sister-in-law so she can adopt many children (her dream)
5. Open a B&B
Places I have lived:
1. Sarasota
2. Naples (wow, this is getting personal)
I have lived in 7 houses in the greater Naples area, so I think i am done on this one!
Jobs I have had: (paid jobs?)
1. Media and lighting specialist at my old church
2. Ballet Teacher for 3-5 year olds
3. Graphic designer for a real estate company
4. Pampered Chef Consultant
5. Executive assistant at a bank (current)
...ummm some paid web design
Ok, now for tagging. Ummmm i am pretty new so i dont have 5 "blog friends" yet. So here are friends and people I stalk!
Colette at Colette's Bakery
Jennifer at Use Real Butter
Hannah at Bittersweet (of course when I went to her site her first post is about how much she dislikes memes! Oh well!)
Allison at Cinnamon Love
Bakerella at Bakerella
Thanks April!